Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Customer Service and Marketing at MM

MM possesses a competitive position in this segment in terms of quality product offering and close customer relationships wrought high level Of customer support. 2. With intensive improvements in power-to-size ratios and customer service, we saw potential to regain and grow our market share in Segment A and anchor them as our main business. Initially, we contemplated pursuing sales from Segment D and small customers. However, Segment Ad's main concern turned out to be solely on price. To maintain them, as key customers, we would need to reduce list price substantially.This would prevent us from maximizing revenue and profit from other segments. As for small customers, we recognized an issue of channel inflict as these customers purchased through the distributor channel. We learnt through the simulation that distributors would vary their profit margins freely, and could at times sell the motors lower than our prices to large customers. Hence, to avoid this conflict, we decided not to focus on small customers. Furthermore, we also learnt that we could encounter low market share and decreasing profit margins if we tried to target more than 2 customer segments.So therefore, we decided not to pursue Segment D and small customers. How does customer satisfaction change over time? How do you balance hard reference metrics such as revenues and profits with soft metrics such as customer satisfaction? The segment of the motor industry in which MM operated was highly competitive, with over 1 00 participants. Over 70% of M's revenues were generated from customers that placed large-volume orders. The relationship between MM and its customers was a close one, involving a constant dialogue between many participants.The quality of these relationships and the benefits gained by both sides were critically important to MM. However, customer interviews suggested that large customers were tarring to be dissatisfied with the quality of M's sales team. We chose to allocate 90% of our sales force to the large customers since nearly all our sales volume were attributed to them whereas only 10% was allocated to small customers to provide space for our distributors to implement their own marketing and sales efforts.As we progressed, the volume we received from small customers dropped while that for large customers increased, in line with M's marketing positioning. Hence, we further increased the proportion of sales resources for large customers to 98%, and also pumped in more ending on sales support for them. Since Segment A was our primary target segment, we allocated the largest proportion of our large customer sales support hours, I. E. 41 %, to them. Segment D, our secondary target segment was given 40%.We also gave 10% to Segment B, because we deemed that while Segment B continued to buy from MM, we should try to improve their satisfaction level, so as to avoid negative word of mouth in the market. The least attention, 1 0%, was given to Segment C, since they r esponded more to prices than sales support. The quality of sales representative interaction with Segment A was extremely high due to the large number of hours spent on them. The interaction with Segments B and C were good whereas the interaction with Segment D was fair.We managed to make Segments A and C â€Å"very satisfied† and Segment D â€Å"satisfied† at the end of the Simi lotion. Segment D did not register higher satisfaction due to the higher price compared to their expectations. Segment B remained â€Å"dissatisfied†, due to the lower thermal resistance offered by Our product. Given M's market share and revenue challenges, our team determined the short- and long-term equines goals for MM as follows: 1 . Short-term goal: Acquire high market share in primary market segments. 2. Long-term goals: Attain consistently high profit margins and maintain market share.To achieve these objectives with a limited budget, M's marketing strategy had to centre on value provision. Building on M's original strengths, we saw the opportunity to delight customers with superior power-to-size ratio. We identified Segments A and C as our primary and secondary target segments, as their needs fell within the optimal zone where our product positioning could provide a preference. With the need to reverse declining market share and boost customer satisfaction, aggressive investment in M's R&D was necessary to build a strong and positive brand name for our power-efficient motors and manage internal costs.This allowed us to price our motors to create value for customers while extracting value for our business. Enhanced increased in our sales representatives and marketing communications were identified as critical in communicating MM motors' value to customers, and formed the key differentiators in managing M's dual sales force and distributor channels. How does customer satisfaction relate to customer loyalty? Retention is a reflection of a customers willingness to remain with a particular company's service or products and is useful to measure customer loyalty.The relationship between MM and its customers was a close one, starting to be dissatisfied with the quality of M's sales team. For the split between customer retention and acquisition, we learned that having a higher focus on customer retention produced much higher overall sales. Experience from earlier runs indicated that a high investment in new customer acquisition did not trigger proportionate increase in new customer sales. This could be due to channel conflict with distributors seeking to gain new customers as well.Therefore, our eventual strategy focused on customer retention as to protect our market share, and consequently, still generate new sales through referrals from existing customers. Our heavily trained sales force did a very good job in acquiring nevus customers despite their limited time on new customer acquisition and due to our high retention rate we could rapidly expand our market share in Segment A shows the sales split teen existing and new customers. How should you manage MM pricing? What does it take to justify price increase? How does price discounting affect the outcome?Market research proved to be an important tool for us to determine pricing. Initially, We thought keeping prices constant would help us gain market share that would compensate for the margin. However, we learnt that by adjusting our prices according to customers' price expectations for Segments A, B and C was more effective in maximizing our revenues. Exhibit shows that as time passed, there was generally an increase in willingness to pay across these segments. Therefore, we increased our prices slowly to extract value for MM, while we aggressively increased power-to-size ratios to create value for our target segments.This enabled us to increase market share. Given Segment Ad's price sensitiveness, we gave them maximum discount allowed as a sales strategy and attempt to claim market share in this segment. We kept our discount rate for the distributors constant so that the distributors can better plan their distributor margin depending on their business needs. Over the course of the simulation, our pricing (across all segments) increased by a total of 2%. A conscious effort was made to increase price at a slow and incremental pace to prevent price shocks and allow the market to stabilize in response to each price increase.Although flexibility in setting prices acts as a quick fix for the management to achieve short-term targets, it would send mixed signals to the market and hence should be avoided when possible. We observed that our competitors reacted to our price increases in the same direction but consistently kept their rates lower than ours. From these reactions, we realized that competing on prices would have a detrimental effect on our refits. How do you balance short-term and long-term investments?We invested heavily in enhancing our produc t's power-to-size ratio as to build a strong brand name and gain a competitive advantage over our competitors. The market research was valuable to help us keep track of our product performance over competitors and against customer expectations, so that we can moderate our research investment over. Our strategic positioning on power-to-size ratio shown success as we observed from the market research that, after 4 quarters of the simulation, our competitors started to position homeless in producing high thermal resistance products and decreased their focus on power-to-size ratio.While we limited investments on thermal resistance to improve company financial, we were able to manage the thermal resistance performance against customer expectations such that sales and customer satisfaction of our product were not affected. In addition, we gradually increased our investment in manufacturing efficiency in order to keep the cost of goods sold under control in the long run How does channel co nflict figure into your pricing decisions? How do you minimize channel conflict?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Help Me to Help Myself

The phrase ‘Help me to help myself’ portrays the child’s sensitivity to do things him/herself with the help of his/her carers, peers and people with whom s/he comes in contact with. Maria Montessori was the one to first recognize this need of the child and went further to research on it. â€Å"As a rule, however, we do not respect children. We try to force them to follow us without regard to their special needs. We are overbearing with them, and above all, rude; and then we expect them to be submissive and well-behaved, knowing all the time how strong is their instinct of imitation and how touching their faith in and admiration of us.They will imitate us in any case. Let us treat them, therefore, with all the kindness, which we would wish to help to develop in them†. -(Montessori, 1965) Due to time and social constraints, we adults often ignore our children’s individuality and abilities. We need to help the child to help him/herself to become more in dependent. A child learns from the time s/he is born. The more the experiences the more the child learns and it is the adult’s duty to provide the means for these experiences. The child's real challenge for independence starts at about age of one, when s/he starts walking.The child will just walk up and down with no motive in his/her mind but to just master the new achievement. The primary carer helps the child just by providing a safer and stimulating environment for him/her without any interference. â€Å"The greater the effort, the greater is the child's pleasure and worse is any interruption†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Things done spontaneously by children are done for the formation of man. The nurse must stay near them and watch them, be ready to help them if necessary†. Maria Montessori (1946, pg.  117-118)Freddie is in a setting where it has been set up, keeping in mind the needs of the child. He is free to choose any activity he likes and he knows that he has to ke ep the activity, which he was playing with, back in the right place. He gets the help when needed. Freedom brings out independence. The more the child is allowed to choose what s/he desires to do the more the child becomes confident and interested in doing things him/her self. It brings in the child self esteem, sense of belonging to the society and the child will be motivated to behave in an acceptable manner.The teacher is close to Freddie so that she can help him if he needs it and observes him too without interfering and respecting his desire to do the button frame. â€Å" It is by helping the child the help himself we render him that help which will make him independent. To teach the child to brush his hair, we must give him a small mirror, a small comb and a suitable brush. If we want the child to was his hands we must provide him with things fit for his size. He will rejoice being able to do things. He will do what he does with enthusiasm. Thus the child is introduced into a form of life, which is necessary for him†.  (Maria Montessori, 1989 pg. 10)Montessori believed that education starts from birth. She believed that a child develops differently at each stage of his/her life. The first developmental stage being The absorbent mind(0-6 years), the second Childhood(6-12 years) and the third Adolescence(12-18 years). During the first three years, the child’s actions are guided by an inner drive, horme, where the child learns unconsciously through his/her actions. The adult helps the child by providing an environment, which is safe, stimulating so that the child learns through exploration, manipulation and discovery.The adult should stay close to the child and observe rather than interfering or restricting a child to one place. As the child grows, the child’s actions are more of intentional/conscious mind. Horme is replaced by ‘will’. Freddie’s will is reflected when he uses the button frame. As he was given the f reedom to choose the activity and use it, Freddie displays the characteristics of a ‘normalised child’. Freddie is responsible as he has put away the puzzle in the right place and respects others as he waits for Jonnie to finish the button frame before he can use it.Montessori not only suggested that freedom forms the basis of independence, but also encouraged freedom with limitations. The ground rules in a nursery setting lay down these limitations. The child is expected to behave in a manner that shows respect to his/her peers, and to the environment. Freddie is given the freedom to chose an activity but he also knows the ground rules, so he waits for his turn, returns the activity, tucks his chair in. These actions not only show his social development but also his sensitivity to order.There is consistency and predictability in his environment. Freddie knows that he has a teacher to ask for help when he needs it. He knows where he can find the activity he wants to do. He also knows what is expected from him. The teacher’s non-interference in Freddie’s choice of the button frame makes him feel trusted to be able to do things for himself. Freedom of movement and physical activity is an important aspect in a growing child. A child becomes independent with exploration and exploration requires movement. Miss J takes Freddie out in the garden when he desires to do so.He waits patiently for his other two friends to get ready. The teacher plays an important role in helping the child. According to M. Montessori(1946, pg. 34), â€Å"The teacher must be a servant to nature, show respect and care, and be humble. Her plan must be to nurture life, which is a force, a force full of wisdom and power†. The teacher must be facilitator and show respect to all children. She should put in efforts to provide the children with an environment that is motivating, stimulating to them. The teacher should be a silent observer and help the child only wh en the child needs it.In Freddie’s case the teacher is a silent observer and helps Freddie when he wants to and also allows easy access to the garden. Montessori emphasised that a favourable environment helps the child learn independently at his/her own pace. A favourable environment meant that the physical environment of the setting should be such that the child can see things at her/his level that acts as help in the development of the child not a hindrance. Montessori’s idea of favourable environment was to provide children with child sized furniture, homely, beautiful, neat, tidy and organised environment.If a child is given a chair his/her size which can be moved freely by him/her, s/he is motivated to do more activities rather than sitting on a stationary chair. Freddie could pick up the button frame on his own as it was kept in a cupboard his size. This nurtures independence. According to Standing (1984, p. 265) â€Å"What Montessori has done is this: realising the peculiarly absorbent nature of the child’s mind, she has prepared for him a special environment; and then, placing the child within it, has given him freedom to live in it, absorbing what he finds there.†Montessori designed materials after observing a child’s developmental needs. She also designed some activities of everyday living that boost a child’s independence and bring in him/her a sense of belonging to the society s/he lives in. Freddie is doing the button frame that helps him to be more independent while dressing himself up. The button frame is only one of the many activities of everyday living designed by M. Montessori that helps the child to become more independent. These activities helped children to be able to do things for themselves and also helped them to be sociable, considerate and respect others.â€Å"Development is the construction of personality, reached by effort and one’s own experiences; it is the long road which every c hild must travel to attain maturity†-Montessori, 2001a, p 187. In order for a child to develop, s/he must be provided with opportunities. These opportunities can be provided to child by creating an environment that attracts and motivates the child. It is necessary to understand that each child learns at his/her own pace. The favourable environment offers the child freedom of movement, freedom to do, freedom to do nothing, predictability, consistency.This freedom comes with limitations so that a child knows that s/he is responsible for his/her own actions. Self-discipline and obedience are the results of such freedom with limitations. Montessori believed that the child works to construct a man. And in this construction, the child requires a lot of support from his/her environment. The child needs guidance and not a person who will do things for the child. After a lot of observations on children and a research on those observations, Montessori has tried to create a system that i s the most favourable for a child’s development, both physical and mental.She has truly supported the child’s sentence- â€Å"help me to help myself†. She designed materials for children which she thought would develop the child’s personality as a whole. Both physical and mental activities are equally important. A child has to be given the freedom to choose what s/he wants to do rather than being directed to do a specific thing. She respected the child’s needs and believed in letting the children to be. It is very easy for us to do things for the child not realising that this acts as a hindrance in a child’s development.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Patient Advocacy Concept Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Patient Advocacy Concept - Research Paper Example Advocates act as informers to the decision making process of the patient, support their patients and allow the patient to make her independent decisions. A nurse advocacy can include acting for a patient, defending, speaking and supporting the patient. In addition, an advocate can be a linkage that reduces the communication breach between the patient, the system of health care and other professionals. Various people think they understand the concept of patient advocacy (De, 2006), but they, sometimes do not recognize the origin of the concept. Patient advocacy concerns any task that directly favors the sick. Patient advocacy can apply to care provision for an individual victim, to teams that make policies and directions that assist the patients, to groups of government that make Legislations enhance patient processes and systems. The patient advocacy concept refers to various efforts to help sick people and their interests in the health care system context, (Kohnke, 1987). The discus sion aims at expounding the patient advocacy concept as defined by various prominent experts in practice of advocacy. This will provide a better understanding of the concept as used in nursing. Additionally, analysis of the concept will offer an intensive understanding of personal and specialized functions related to patient advocacy and its main goals, methodologies, benefits and limitations, (Galow, 1980). Similarly, the analysis will clarify, highlight, define and summarize the perception of patient advocacy in the nursing context. The discussion will explore various definitions of the concept from existing literature and case studies, and break them down into critical features. Aims and purpose of patient advocacy Patient advocacy has always been the focus in the nursing community, but with the intensifying health care dynamics, the need is more intensified. Patient advocacy roles range from helping patients and their families with shifts from clinics to home care, to influencin g government departments for issues of health care. Patient advocacy as a concept entails analyzing, reacting, counseling and whistle blowing to help and enhance health care quality for patients, (Bu & Jezewsky, 2006). Doctors promote transit and strive to safeguard the security, health, liberty and rights of their patients. Patient advocacy denotes that role of policymakers, legitimate professionals and advocates who work to enhance health care for patients marginalized and oppressed by social and cultural stigmatizing diseases like HIV. Similarly, given the multiple contexts in which patient advocacy concept is applied, studies can aid advocates better explore the concept, a task vital for enhancing both applied and professional efforts to enhance the quality of health care, (Berns & Newberry 2000). Patient advocacy ensures that issues and concerns of patients and their families are communicated and addressed appropriately and at the right time. Patients are intensively sensitive to diseases, (McDonald, 2007). Clinicians, in most cases, decide the best practices for the patients regardless of the patient interests and wishes but sometimes out of necessity, (Curtin & Thomas, 2006). Similarly, when the patient or caregiver is afraid to provide information, the doctor must speak for the family. Sometimes it implies death or life. Sometimes, it can offer help for the family, and their patient

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Literature Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Organisational Behaviour - Literature review Example Organisation works as a purposeful collection of people brought together to reach a desired outcome, that is, to achieve the organisational objectives (Kaliski, 2001, p.445). The outcome of the activity may vary from providing a service to producing a product or accumulation of wealth. The process for achieving the goals requires the organisations to formulate various strategies that determine the reporting, task allocation, coordination, and interaction techniques. The foundational values and behaviours are carried along with the development of the organisation, and these elements later turn out to be the cultural effects of the organisation. The culture of an organisation decides how the organisation is going to operate in its business environment, and also about the desired objectives. Therefore understanding the organisational behaviour enables a person to understand the organisational behaviour better. It also helps in analysing the role of employee in the organisational culture . Organisational behaviour has been a well studied subject over the years by student, researchers, and mainly by organisational managements, as a general theory and scholarly research in organisational management. ... Humans are the most valuable assets of an organisation, without them it cannot carry out its everyday business function (Kaliski, 2001, p.445). Therefore, the human resource managers are often asked to find the most effective methods to motivate the employees in their work to achieve the maximum job satisfaction. Organisational behaviour makes use of the information and interprets the findings for the purpose of canalising the behaviour of an individual and the group into an expected result. Achievement of the organisational as well as individual goals depends on the two basic elements; performance of the employees and job satisfaction. Therefore, organisations, in this competitive world, must focus on growth-oriented operations. Organisational behaviour is a comprehensive area that integrates several behavioural sciences such as sociology, psychology, economics, etc in order to find out the extent to which human behaviour contributes to the organisational growth and greater efficien cy. Modern organisations, regardless of their size or nature, emphasise on HR as their major focus of strategic interest. The exceeding significance on this area is attributed to numerous motivational theories which brought forth the idea that employees’ level of performance is highly associated with their level of motivation. As the employees’ perspectives on reward vary, it will be unfair if an organization designs its reward system solely based on fiscal aspects. Usually the reward devise in an organisation is influenced by the managers’ performance assessment. One might admit that there are various factors which disturb the performance-reward equation. For instance, the quality of leadership and organisational structure are highly

Ageism and Racism Faced By Older People in Health and Social Care Essay

Ageism and Racism Faced By Older People in Health and Social Care Sector in UK - Essay Example This discussion stresses that age implies various social and moral obligations that resulted from accumulated loads of cultural and ideological inputs. Many expectations on an individual are determined by age as well as those which they are denied of. This perception has huge implications on how heath care is delivered to the older portion of the population. Age play a significant factor on what kind of health care is given and denied to a patient.This paper outlines that  while ageing opens doors to some social experiences that may not be available to younger individuals, it also closes doors on others. There are also new expectations towards the individual as his age identities change through time. We are familiar with the stereotypes of age identities from where we distinguish individuals.   Age-based identities have been explored and recognized by various social sciences but there is still a dearth of knowledge on how age contributes to social identity. There is still more to know about the variety of identities based on age and on how these identities are used in the wide social and cultural norms of ageing. There is a need to theorize the processes complicated social processes and experiences involved in the transition from one age identity to the other. This knowledge is important to research but is also important to understanding how health care is provided, or should be provided, to older people.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Recent trends in the use of money The history of the Canadian dollar Research Paper

Recent trends in the use of money The history of the Canadian dollar relative to its US counterpart Why is the Canadian dollar - Research Paper Example This focuses on the conversion of properties or money that one acquires unlawfully into a country’s money system. Several countries use their money to fund criminal activities such as terrorism to reduce the strengths of other countries’ currency especially through the destruction of markets. The aim of all unlawful acts is to generate financial gains. Consequently, the availability of the working capital is vital for the sustainability of the criminal and terrorist networks. For instance, the criminal tendencies such as the allocation of narcotics and arms require an international network that consists of marketers, manufactures, transportation, and personnel. The criminals receive pays in cash lest their activities are recognized through transaction records. Criminal activities focus on the utilization of money using various approaches. For instance, such activities use cash through the primary phases of money laundering such as placement of the criminal processes wit hin fiscal systems, layering money to hide original sources of the criminal activities, and incorporation into lawful economic markets like banks (Weld 1). The major criminal activities such as drug trafficking generate significant proportion of resources that boosts the country’s economy after integration into the legal markets. For instance, illegal tobacco business generates revenues of about 40.5 US dollars in the US. Some criminals especially terrorists do not integrate their money through the legal market systems because they can easily be traced. Consequently, they use the ethnic-based cash service enterprises such as those who operate travel agencies to launder funds. Additionally, such illegal businesses can reduce a country’s revenues. For instance, other recent criminal money use entails the use of fake money to get the legal currencies. This contributes to the reduction of the strength of the countries’ currencies. Other money laundering acts entail infusing unlawful money into the football sectors. These sectors are very attractive to criminals especially persons who intend to use their unlawful money (Weld 1). The history of the Canadian dollar relative to its US counterpart In 1971, the total exchange rate of the Canadian dollar against the US was approximately 1.22. The highest Canadian rate during this year was 1.60 while the lowest was 0.96. Between the 1971 and 2011, the lowest exchange rate of the Canadian Dollar against the US was in 1974. During this year, the average Canadian rate against the US was 0.98. Between 1971 and 2011, the highest exchange rate for Canada dollar was 1.57. This was in the year 2002 (Hummel 1). The current 12 month forecast of the Canadian and the US dollar indicates that the exchange rate for the Canadian dollar will be approximately 1.00 Canadian dollars to the US Dollar in future. This is because the coinage trend shows that the exchange rate can easily fall by 0.04 percent implying that th e Canadian currency rate would be 0.94 by November 2013 (Hummel 1). The exchange rate for the Canadian dollar in the year 2012 was approximately 0.99 in October. That is 0.7 point higher compared to October 2011. By September 2012, the rate escalated by 1.04. According to some economists, this is a minor movement, and if it continues, the immediate trend would be comparatively flat. The one year shows that the country’s exchange rate was 1.00 averagely. Moreover, the standard conversion rate of the last 10 years was 1.14. Reports also show a higher

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organisations and Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 4

Organisations and Behaviour - Essay Example It was found that the enterprises have to design their business outline in such a way that every activity is synchronised and integrated (Hetland et al., 2011). Each and every activity has to be collaborated so that their combined effect is evident in the organisation’s performance (Chen & Huang, 2007; Nyabadza, 2010). The crucial requirements are changes in the corporation’s culture, procedures, policies, infrastructure, Information Technology (IT) and management styles so that they can meet the demands of the current market requirements (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). In order to assess the organisational structure and culture at British Telecom (BT) and Ryanair, the websites of the two corporations have been reviewed in detail. From the analysis of BT’s strategy and management philosophy, it is evident that it has flat organisational structure so that there are less formal levels and hierarchy is simple. The major elements of the flat form of organisation are that all the functions are transparent and every business activity is clear (Mullins, 2010). In order to support the creation of innovative and creative culture, BT has made sure that it provides its employees with sufficient autonomy to make decisions, promotes team working atmosphere so that everyone is willing to make meaningful contribution, encourages risk taking behaviour so that there are new ideas and innovative solutions are implemented and the employees are involved in every vital business decision so that they feel valued and appreciated. However, on the other hand, Ryanair which is a low-cost European airline has a matrix form of organisational structure so that every department works in coordination with the other. The matrix form of corporations provides the departmental heads an opportunity of networking with key employees of other departments and develop strategic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The effect of family eldercare responsibilities on labour market Research Proposal - 1

The effect of family eldercare responsibilities on labour market involvement in South Africa and Canada - Research Proposal Example Gerontological research nowadays has placed emphasis more often on trends of family or informal care for the elderly in less developed countries Without the basic social services and assistance the vulnerable elderly in LDCs are a group exposed to significant risk. Nevertheless, according to Williams (2000), at present, majority of empirical findings indicate that a significant portion of the elderly population in developing countries depends on their own job or their families as their sole protection at later life periods. One important variable in the subject matter of family elder care is the participation rate of women in the labour force. Globally, the proportion of women in the work force grew significantly between 1970 and 1990 not including sub-Saharan Africa and ex-USSR where it dropped to some extent (Mueller 2000, 2). Former USSR, sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern and Southeast Asia have the highest rates whereas Southern and Western Asia and North Africa have the lowest (Muelle r 2000, 2-3). The rate of women’s labour force involvement may be indicative of the level of eldercare responsibility placed on women. A. Objective of the Research This study will try to compare the influence of family eldercare on the labour market, specifically the involvement of women in the work force, of South Africa (developing country) and Canada (developed country). It is the objective of this study to contribute to the insufficient understanding of the impact of informal or family care of the elderly on the composition of the labour market in developing and developed nations. B. Research Questions The primary question that this study will try to answer is what is the effect of family eldercare on the labour market of South Africa and Canada? More specifically, this study will attempt to address the following questions: a. Do women feel or think that they are more obliged to take care of the elderly in their families than their male counterparts? b. What is the typica l age at which working women initially take up obligations of eldercare? c. Do women decide to leave the work force if the obligation of caring for the elderly becomes onerous? C. Significance of Research Even though extensive consideration has been conferred over the recent years to the difficult endeavour of building equal status for men and women in the labour market, there have been comparatively very few methodical attempts to evaluate or measure the effect of family or informal eldercare obligations on males’ and females’ employment prospects, in that case, of labourers generally. Hence, this study hopes to give explanation of the implications for labour force involvement of choices made by women to assume eldercare responsibilities. II. Review of Related Literature Because of the dearth of available literature on the impact of family eldercare responsibilities on the labour market of South Africa and China the researcher will present in this section piecemeal in formation about ageing and the labour market of each of the two aforementioned countries. The next section will generally discuss the implication of family eldercare obligations on the labour market of both developing and developed countries. Nevertheless, it is important, above all, to discuss first the theoretical foundation of this study. A. Theoretical Paradigm In conceptualising the labour market in the perspective of the family, time distribution frameworks are suitable. The influential work

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Health in the UK -- The solution for obesity for different age Essay

Health in the UK -- The solution for obesity for different age - Essay Example People are considered overweight if their weight is between 25 to 29.9 BMI (Body Mass Index) while people are considered obese if their weight is 30 or higher BMI. This tabulation also takes into account the standard weight at a certain height. Countries such as USA and UK have more obese problems than other nation in the world. The problem of obesity in UK has grown to become epidemic over the years. The percentage of obese adults has doubled since the 1990s. According to the survey in 2008 by Health Survey for England (HSE), almost 61.4% adults were categorized as obese which comprised of 32% UK women and 42% UK men (Astrup, 2009). This is just a general overview of the UK obese men and women. It is a fact that obesity increases with age. The UK government statistics estimates that one in every four men and one in every three women are obese (Astrup, 2009). According to the Obesity Statistics in UK, almost 27% women and 28% men between the ages of 16-24 have been found to be obese while 68% women and 76% men aged 55-64 were overweight (Obesity, 2009). 77.1% of adults aged 65-74 were obese or overweight (Gulland, 2010). The problem is just in the adults or elder people. It is also seen to be occurring in the children as well. About 27.3% UK children between the ages of 2-10 were obese (Obesity, 2009). Pred iction by Department of Health in UK is that if the obesity trend continues, 6.6 million men and 6 million women will fall under the category of obesity by 2010 (Obesity, 2009). The percentages for obesity in men and women have increased over the years with men been more obese than women. The most common type of obesity that affects almost 30% of men is stomach obesity in which the fat weight is concentrated on the stomach (Astrup, 2009). This type of obesity is not only increasing in men but is also rapidly seen in young people as well. A report published in 2007 by Foresight named Tackling Obesities: Future Choices predicted that by 2050 60% of UK

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Satanism and Suicide in the School Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Satanism and Suicide in the School - Case Study Example For this case study, the potential positive consequences include agreeing with the parents that the Halloween holiday has no place in the school. Negative consequences include disagreeing with the parents and allowing the pupils to attend the Halloween party. The risk here will be discontentment from parents who might decide to transfer their pupils and as a result, be fired by the school’s board (Callison and McAllister 84). I will evaluate the outcome of my decision/the school’s decision based on the pupils performance, parents and boards approval or support, and the number of pupils who joins the school. Reach a compromise agreement with the parents will enhance learning, and improve the school’s performance. In this case study, the problem that needs to be resolved is that of a pupil in the school who has thoughts of committing suicide, and as such, as the principle I need to decide what to do. This process should involve the pupil, his/her parents, his/her immediate teacher and a counselor. I will need to communicate to the pupil, his/her parents, and his/her immediate teacher. The potential positive for this case is getting the pupil to change his attitudes and help the pupil to give away that disturbing wish and thought of wanting to die; simply keeping the pupil alive (Callison and McAllister 106). For this case, a negative consequence will be to fail to get the pupil some substantial help, thus resulting in the pupil committing suicide. I will evaluate my decision based on whether the pupil is able to fend that suicidal feeling and stay alive or not. In case, the pupil does not get help and ends up committing suicide, the other pupils and the entire school community will be devastat ed.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Allegories of Life Essay Example for Free

Allegories of Life Essay In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato uses a vast spectrum of imagery to explain ones descent from the cave to the light. While Plato uses this Allegory to explain his point through Socrates to Glaucon. This allegory has many different meanings. The Allegory can be used in many different ways, from religion to politics to ones own intellectual enlightenment, or it can be interpreted as the blinded person in a colt like reality. Are we all prisoners in a world that is forced on us through the media? How do we really know that we are not just pawns in some one’s chess game. What meaning was Plato trying to introduce to Glaucon? This cave can represent many aspects in the world. And the prisoners can be any one. The puppeteers can be a symbol for people or for the things in life that hold us back from seeing and thinking clearly. As we look further into Plato’s work we will explore many different meanings for this allegory and attempt to give our life some meaning. I would like to start off with a summary of the allegory of the cave as I have understood it. In the the cave there are a group of prisoners bond form their neck to their feet facing a stone wall. They have been their since childhood. All they know of is what the puppeteers have shown them through the fire images. They hear sounds made by the puppeteers. And the shadow of images cast from the fire. They think that this is reality because it is all they have ever known. One prisoner is lead away from his shackles and is lead out of the cave. He his blinded by the sun at first. Once his eyes had adjusted to the light he see’s a tree a real green tree that is alive. Not the shadow of a tree shown by the puppeteers. The prisoner also see’s his reflection in the water. He see’s the world in its entirety. He has been enlighten. Just as the prisoner was getting a grasp of the real world he is lead back into the cave. The other prisoners are mocking him for what they thought of as a loss of sight. He try’s to explain to them what he has seen. But there pet ty little minds can’t grasp what he has seen nor do they believe what he says they have not seen it for them self. To understand what Plato’s passages meant is to try and understand yourself. Individual enlightenment is one way to analyze Plato’s Allegory of the cave. As children we are like those prisoners In the cave. Our parents shield us from the ugly cruel world. Until one day we are introduced to what the world is all about. As a child I feel I was shield from a lot of things death, divorce, heartache and pain. My grandfather died when I was seven, until then I didn’t think that life could be so unfair. But life is unfair at times and its is more than fair at others. We all have a cave in life and when we think outside the cave walls we will break free from the individual cave we make for our self. Life is all about pushing your self to the limits, finding out just what you can and what you can’t do. The stereo types or labeling we place on others can be a form of a cave. The cave is just a symbol for limitations we have. Until we have been enlighten we will never escape from the cave of life. At times we all need to be our own Plato and lead our self out of the cave. Like Plato Socrates and Aristotle the great philosophers of the past we all need to challenge society’s way of thinking. If you never learn to think for your self then what’s the point of going off to college and finding yourself. Live your life the way you see fit, love who you want to love. Stand out and dance in the rain if it means being who you are. Escape from your individual cave and see the light. Let the puppeteers know you know what reality is and you can think for yourself. Secondly there can be a religious allegory of the cave. The figures that were shown to the prisoner in the cave could be viewed as idols praised by the prisoners and puppeteers. Religion can be viewed by some as a cave. Being kept in the dark of there religion and forced never to see the light. Some religions brain wash there followers to see things only there way. If you don’t see, act or think how there religion views you should be. they may kill you. The Amish religion can be view like the prisoners in the cave. They are taught from a small age that God is all you need and the everyday life most Americans live is a blasphemy of God. They live a simple life most have no electrical devices and choose to dress modestly and in plain colored clothing. Some Amish travel to towns for supplies but most tend to grow everything there self. Children are shielded from the outside world until there teenage years when they participate in rumspringa. This event is where teenagers are given the choice to stay within the Amish culture or they ch oose to be an outsider. In summary the Amish are similar to the prisoners in the cave being told what to do and how to act there whole life until the day they can see the world and make their own choices. One important note most Amish teenagers choose to stay within the Amish community. Cults are similar to the Allegory of the cave. Members are kept in the dark, from what the real motivates behind the puppeteers actions are. Once one is lead away from the cult and one see’s for them self that there is more to life than what cult has shown them. They are enlightened and can see and choose for them self what they choose to be real or imaginary. There is also a political cave, and we Americans at times get blind by what we want to see. Then we never really see the truth behind the facade. As well know the truth is harder to see and recognize. We see what we want to see as the truth. The politicians are the puppeteers and we the citizens are the prisoners. We see and hear what they want us to know. And as we all know when we step outside from what they want us to know the consequences can be death. The government tells us what we can and can’t do by the way of the justice system, not saying that its wrong. But it seems the more money you have the more you can get away with . The political cave has many different levels and different puppeteers, we as common citizens will always be the prisoners to a higher power that can clinch its fist at any time and change how we live our life. One of the most common caves we put our self’s in is the intellectual cave. You can be placed in to the cave because of where you live or how you perceive yourself. The intellectual cave of life. So many face this cave and don’t have the courage or resources to step into the light. What some Americans take for granted is a quality education. There are so many prisoners of the intellectual cave, some are put there by their own doing. It seem better to work a minimum wage 9 to 5 everyday than to spend that time getting a higher education. The very extremes of this type of intellectual cave is being a drug dealer these persons feel they can make more money selling drugs and book smarts wont get them anywhere. But what these select individuals don’t understand that is that getting a better education is the key to getting what they want out of life and making a better future for their family then what was hand to them. The ones addicted to the drugs they sell are in a cave all of there own. Most say when they do reach that point of sobriety its like coming out of the darkness, like they have been lead out of the cave of addiction. After having read Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, I fell I have been enlighten even more. This isn’t the first passage of Plato I have read, it does have a lot of information in very few lines. The Allegory can be used in many different ways, from religion to politics to ones own intellectual enlightenment, or it can be interpreted as the blinded person in a colt like reality. I have discussed in the previous chapters the many different types of caves this allegory can portray. We may never know what plato’s literal intentions were. What the cave and prisoners were really an analogy for. But I believe that was plato’s point in writing this allegory in such a way that it could have all different types of meanings. This passage was written thousands of years ago but all of his words still fit this day and time, and will reach far into the future. We as young adults need to help those left behind in the cave and open there eyes to the light of enlightenment. Weather it be leading them out of a gang or off of drugs. A brighter more prosperous future shouldn’t only be for those more fortunate than the many. For those left in the religious cave of life one day the vale shall be lifted and there freedom will come to them as well. They will one day be able to make their own religious choices for their self. Plato’s allegory of the cave will be past down from generation to generation.

Social Media in Global Politics Essay Example for Free

Social Media in Global Politics Essay Social Media Becoming the Most Powerful Force in Global Politics? YES: Clay Shirky, from â€Å"The Net Advantage,† Prospect (December 11, 2009) NO: Malcolm Gladwell, from â€Å"Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted,† I would say that social media has become one of the tools in use of global politics but definitely not the most powerful force that leads to change. I am not exactly sure what is the most powerful in ways of global politics, social media has its limits and it can be stopped or manipulated by governments in order to do what they want but at the same time it can be used to trigger a change that has not been seen in a long time in countries that are oppressed or just feel need of change. Let us take for example of the invasion of Ukraine, if something like invasion were to happen to another country we in western world will get the new after few weeks at the most of what is exactly going on in the country, as I remember as soon as Russia started moving we had news on twitter and facebook in an uproar and telling the world to do something and stop it. Of course the initial invasion by the Russians came because there were civil unrest in the country and the Russians military was mobilised in order to prevent anymore civil unrest coming into their country (according to the Russians), the initial civil unrest started its movement through social media at the time. We in the western world who are just ordinary people with no political ties are just trying to make a living when we see these on social media who would you believe? The government who is using civil unrest to invade and say to the rest of the world we are just here to make sure it does not spread or the people who started the rebellion and saying it is because the government have ignored that they are revolting? Either or the situation is happening even with world watching and having an opinion towards the war it is still going on but it does not seem to end. With the tool such as social media we have so much power but in the end it comes down to who has the biggest guns or influence in the area is the one who will be controlling the global politics of that area.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

V.S. Naipaul’s Mimic Men: Analysis of Identity Crisis

V.S. Naipaul’s Mimic Men: Analysis of Identity Crisis Abstract This article attempts to determine representation of identity crisis in V. S. Naipaul’s work Mimic Men. And this article attempts to relate how this novel is replete with the theme of identity crisis. Furthermore, the analysis of the novel’s genre and characters declare themes that are coloured by postmodern trait of fragmentation, which is discussed on a theoretical base with a focus on the theme of identity crisis. V.S. Naipaul has always represented a denial of the third-world spirit, and has represented societies that have recently emerged from colonialism. He describes the way these societies function in the post- colonial order. Though imperialism has passed and the colonies have attained an independent status, but these nations of the Third World faces a lot of problems like economic, social and political, and these are emerged identity crisis in the society. As a post- colonial novelist, Naipaul concentrates on major themes related to the problems of the coloni zed people. As an observer and interpreter of the ex- colonies, he clarifies the inadequacies of such societies. In his novels, The Mimic Men, the theme acquire a universality and observes and presents the fragmentation and alienation happen to be the universal location of man in the present day world. Introduction Some eminent Third World critics concentrate mainly on Naipaul’s development as a creative artist who picks up issues relating to the Third World. His works throw light on the Post-colonial and post- imperial realities that have shaped the contemporary societies and provides important insights relating to them. Naipaul’s novels lead to a better understanding of the problems that are faced by the post- imperial generations. In The Mimic Men, it has been observed that, as in the novels studied in the previous chapters, the characters as well as situations in The Mimic Men are dealt with by an â€Å"ambivalent approach†. The larger emphasis, however, has been seen to be laid on Singh’s attitude which creates â€Å"ambivalence† identity crisis by emphasising his seesaw relationship to Isabella and London. For instance, in the attic scene, Singh has been observed to vacillate between the â€Å"magic† and the â€Å"forlornness† of â€Å"the city,† which is London, the â€Å"heart of Empire†. Then, in the forward scene, Singh on the one hand criticises his colonial island for being a â€Å"transitional† and â€Å"makeshift† society that â€Å"lacks order,† and on the other hand, he describes London as â€Å"the greater disorder† and the â€Å"final emptiness.† While Singh finds the natural elements of London, such as the snow and the â€Å"light of dusk† gorgeous, he detests London’s dullness and lack of colour. Soon after Singh has left Isabella with the intention never to return, he states that London has â€Å"gone sour† on him and that he longs for the â€Å"certainties† of his island, although this is the place from where he once wanted to escape. These early scenes, then, which pass during Singh’s stay as a student in London, tell about Singh’s disillusionment with London, to where he has come, â€Å"fleeing disorder,† and â€Å"to find the beginning of order.† In a second flash-forward, however, as Singh arrives at Isabella, he calls his journey to and from London a â€Å"double journey† and a â€Å"double failure.† This â€Å"ambivalent situation† indicates that Singh is nowhere at home, and it is an indirect criticism towards the â€Å"coloniser†, who can be said to be the original cause of Singh’s â€Å"rootlessness†, identity crisis, because he has â€Å"displaced† colonial people like Singh. This argument is reinforced by an example given by Singh, where, to write his biography, he prefers the dull suburb hotel of London to the pastoral cocoa estate on Isabella. Singh calls his return to Isabella a mistake, but he believes that the cause of his mistake has been the â€Å"injury inflicted† on him by London, where he can never feel himself as anything but â€Å"disintegrating, pointless, and fluid.† This is another example that shows to what extent Singh has been affected by the coloniser’s practice of â€Å"displacing† people. Leaving Isabella, Singh feels relief. But as he arrives in London Singh feels he is â€Å"bleeding.† For the second time he senses the â€Å"forlornness† of â€Å"the city† on which he has twice â€Å"fixed so important a hope.† Twice he has come to the â€Å"centre of Empire† to find order, but twice he has been disillusioned. Identity crisis The identity crisis that his characters face is due to the destroying of their past and those who eventually overcome the crisis are the ones who have recovered their past or somehow managed to impose an order on their histories and moved on in life. Naipaul’s attitude to culture has always been progressive. It is the Third- World’s blind mimicry of the West that he cannot stomach. He lashes out at the shortcomings of Third- World societies, which have their roots in their traditional cultures, but are unmindful of them in their blind following of the West. They are thus able to maintain a distinct identity. But for the generation born in exile, life in the foreign soil proves almost fatal, as they have not been blessed with the insularity of their forefathers, who went there from India. For the new generation, India loses the sense of reality that it had conveyed to their ancestors. The major themes that emerge from a reading of his novels are related to the problems o f the colonized people: their sense of Alienation from the landscapes, their identity crisis, the paradox of freedom and the problem of neocolonialism in the ex-colonies. The people who can no longer identify with a cultural heritage lose the assurance and integrity which the locating racial ancestor provides. In addition, the harsh conditions of colonialism have left the West Indian bad conditions under the burden of poverty and ignorance. Because psychological and physical conditions correspond so closely, the unhoused, poverty stricken West Indian is so often culturally and spiritually dispossessed as well. His only alternative is to strive after the culture of his ex-colonial masters even though he is unable to identify with their traditions and values. In The Mimic men, however, Kripal Singh is not handicapped by poverty, ignorance, a lack of natural talent or the persecution of a grasping Hindu family. He has gained the material success, public eminence and apparent independen ce that Ganesh, Harbans and Biswas all longed to have. In addition, because of his university education and his exposure to a more sophisticated society in London, he is better able to recognize and articulate the many ills of his native back ground. but his clearly superior status and acute consciousness do not make him any less vulnerable to the subtle, yet over powering consequences of his psychologically fragmented and confusing past. In fact, his ability to rationalize his own condition sharpens rather than reduces his total alienation from his environment and his final rejection of an active life. The Mimic Men, however, is more than a mere elaboration of Naipauls previous West Indian novels: it is a profound re enactment of the growth and nature of the East Indian, west Indian psyche and its reaction to the three cultures, Indian, Creole and English, which influence it. In the process, Kripal Singh, the narrator, confessor and visionary, comments on power, politics, social an d racial interactions, sex, education, displacement, isolation and identity crisis as experienced by the ex-colonial. Each topic is used to illuminate a facet of his mind. Conclusion To summarise what has been argued above, Singh is disillusioned about both Isabella and London, because he is a member of a colonised people that has been â€Å"displaced† identity crisis on a colonial â€Å"slave-island,† with a racially and culturally mixed population. In the period before Singh comes to London, he vacillates between his longing to escape from the island, where he feels â€Å"displaced† and â€Å"rootless†, and the feeling that experience past on the colonial island nevertheless attaches him somehow to it. During Singh’s political career, the â€Å"ambivalent attitudes† in Singh and Browne have shown that, while they seem to criticise the â€Å"colonised† and the colony, their â€Å"ambivalent attitude† actually indicates that the real source of the faults criticised in individuals and the society is to be found with the â€Å"coloniser†. Finally, Singh escapes from his â€Å"artificial home† to the â€Å"imperial centre† and claims to have found fulfilment there, but his â€Å"ambivalent attitude† again shows that these are not real fulfilments, but only excuses used by Singh to find a â€Å"sense of attachment† in a certain â€Å"location† of the earth. However, even during this seeming compromise, Singh makes his important statement that finally attaches him to his own culture and not to the one of the coloniser. References Bongie, Chris. Islands and Exiles: The Creole Identities of Post/Colonial Literature.  California: Stanford University Press, 1998. Harney, Stefano. Nationalism and Identity: Culture and the Imagination in a  Caribbean Diaspora. Kingston: University of the West Indies, 1996. Naipaul, V.S. The Mimic Men. London, New York, etc.: Penguin Books, 1969. (First  published 1967).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Protein Thermal Stability Essay example -- Research Analysis, Isolatio

Isolation techniques for protein take the least refined forms of the protein and develop a highly concentrated product. A concentrated protein product allows utilization of functional properties of proteins without fat, moisture, or carbohydrate contributing to or inhibiting the system. For example, through the use of isolation techniques, the starting concentration of soy flour or grit, 40-50% protein, can increase to more than 90% (Petruccelli 1995). When other substituents such as starches and fats are present in a system, water absorption generally occurs within the carbohydrate instead of the protein (Wolf 1970). As a result, isolation plays a two-fold role in concentrating the selected protein as well as eliminating unneeded or undesirable constituents in a food product. Soy protein holds desirable, functional properties. Such properties of isolated soy protein include the formation of gels and emulsions. The protein’s hydrophilic properties make it an ideal component in confectionary and baked goods because of its water retaining properties and ability to maintain freshness. Additional uses in food stuffs include aeration, an adhesive in meat products, color control, and inhibition or promotion of fat absorption (Wolf 1970). These functional properties have allowed soy protein to become an emerging protein and usable food constituent. Whey, an important by-product of milk, contains almost all of the milk carbohydrate and about one-fifth of milk’s protein (Smithers 1996). Isolated whey’s value, however, derives from its protein content. Its unique functional properties provide opportunities for a variety of applications. For example, whey proteins, because of their stability to acidic conditions, are an integral part of ... ...ments DJ. 1997. Physical properties of whey protein stabilized emulsions as related to pH and NaCl. J Food Sci 62(2):342-347. De Witt JN. 1990. Thermal stability and functionality of whey proteins. J Dairy Science 73(12):3602-3612. Petruccelli S, AÃ ±on MC. 1995. Soy protein components and their interactions. J Agric Food Chem 43(7):1762-1767. Smithers GW, Ballard GW, Copeland AD, De Silva KJ, Dionysius DA, Francis GL, Goddard C, Grieve PA, Mcintosh GH, Mitchell IR, Pearce H, Regester GO. 1996. New opportunities from the isolation and utilization of whey proteins. J Dairy Sci 79(8):1454-1459. Thompson, L.D., Dinh T. 2009. FDSC 4303/5305 food chemistry lab manual. Lubbock, Tx.: Texas Tech University, Department of Animal and Food Science. Wolf, WJ. 1970. Soybean proteins : their functional, chemical, and physical properties. J Agric Food Chem 18(6):969-976.

British parlimentary Reform 1832-1928 :: essays research papers

The unreformed British parliamentary system was undemocratic, it excluded the majority of the population from voting including all women most working class men, many middle class men and all the poor. Its distribution of seats was inadequately representative and excluded important towns. It included rotten boroughs, the occasional sale of seats, corruption, bribery, intimidation, violence and plural voting. The system was dominated by the aristocracy and gentry, and many seats were uncontested. Lang, (1999). The purpose of this essay is to identify the factors that led to the nineteenth century parliamentary reform and go on to assess the impact that the reform made. Around the middle of the nineteenth century an extensive debate took place in Britain on the nature and desirability of ‘democracy.’ Who should be allowed to vote in general elections? Should the franchise be limited, as in the past, to those who had special qualifications, such as the ownership of property, which the rental value had to be at least at least 40 shillings per annum, and those who had an economic stake in the country? Property owners argued that the old system had worked in the past so surely it would continue to do so – and that the wealthy were naturally superior to the poor. Pearce, Stern, (1994). Others believed that the franchise was restricted and haphazard and that the qualifications for voting were outdated and illogical in their view every man had the right to vote, all men had been created equally and therefore all were entitled to a say in the way they were governed. A small but growing number also believed that women should have the vote on precisely the same terms as men. The population of England and Wales doubled between 1801-1851 many parishes began to burst at the seams. Towns like Birmingham, Manchester, Bradford and Leeds were seeing large population increases due to industrial growth. Earl Grey proposed such towns needed representation in the House of Commons, this would lead to large increase in the voting population if the proposal was successful. On the other hand rotten boroughs were parliamentary constituencies that had over the years declined in size, but still had the right to elect members of the House of Commons. Most of the constituencies were under the control and influence of just one man, the patron. As there were only a few individuals with the vote and no fair voting method (secret ballot) which encouraged bribery and corruption as it was easy for potential candidates to buy their way to victory.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Our Fascination, Hopes, and Fears. :: Artificial Intelligence Aliens Science Essays

Our Fascination, Hopes, and Fears. Introduction: What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science which deals with helping machines find solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion. [1] What does it mean to say that a machine might be intelligent? This is the goal of the field of AI, yet it is not an easy goal to define. AI researchers express their goals differently, but they all share an interest in creating, through the hardware and software of a computer, an entity that is in some way recognized as intelligent and that shares some aspects of the distinctly human conditions. Thus, AI can be viewed as the attempt to create a machine that is in some way created in the image of the human person, an image loosely defined using the term intelligence. [3] One of the most challenging approaches facing experts is building systems that mimic the behavior of the human brain, made up of billions of neurons, and arguably the most complex matter in the universe. Alan Turing, a British computer scientist, stated that a computer would deserves to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human. This generally involves borrowing characteristics from human intelligence, and applying them as algorithms in a computer friendly way. [1] "Strong AI" approach claims that modeling the human mind is necessary for creating some form of computer-based AI that can truly reason and solve problems. A strong form of AI is said to be sentient (self-aware). In contrast, "weak AI" approach focus instead on simulating intelligence (attempting to create machines which will be perceived as intelligent by their users) rather than trying to create it through a model of the mind. The field of Artificial Intelligence has split into several different approaches based on the opinions about the most promising methods and theories. These rivaling theories have lead researchers in one of two basic approaches: bottom-up approach (which believe the best way to achieve artificial intelligence is to build electronic replicas of the human brain's complex network of neuronsand) and top-down (which attempts to mimic the brain's behavior with computer programs). [4] Many articles showed a desire to allay fears that computers truly are intelligent, or worse, that human might soon be supplanted by machines. [3] Intelligent computers, robots, androids, and cyborgs have come to be staple characters in science fiction stories and films.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Final Reflection Essay

During week one, my initial definition of learning was listening to an instruction, studying and then rehearsing that information in my mind, or categorizing it in a way so I could remember most of what was taught in the course. The class has opened a new dimension for me in the learning process; from understanding how I process information to deciphering which learning processes I use in intentional learning or metacognition. Understanding my learning patterns form dynamic learning relationship is a key element to my view of how and why I process the learning experience, even relating it to every day life. Since discovering my learning patterns by administering the Learning Connections Inventory or LCI assessment, I have discovered my aptitude for using Sequence (20), Precision (23), Technical Reasoning (35) and Confluence (29) learning patterns. My â€Å"use first† patterns of Technical Reasoning and Confluence are now self-evident and shed light on why my career took the path it did, leading me to this point in life. Confronting each task as a Dynamic Learner, I subconsciously used my Technical Reasoning and Confluence learning patterns first and as needed used my Precision and Sequential learning patterns. Throughout my career in the Navy, Technical Reasoning was pronounced which led me to choosing a mechanical trade; then in the construction industry, using my hands as a carpenter to renew or erect buildings. Sequential and Precision patterns were used on an as needed basis when specific tasks required a structured approach like developing designs or repairing equipment. Throughout this course, different quizzes took Sequential learning to complete. I found it difficult to only use this pattern and my strong Technical Reasoning pattern was evident by my moving from question to question if I did not immediately know the answer; then going back to answer the questions I skipped using Precision learning pattern. Reading assignments were a struggle as well; I was accustomed to using Technical Reasoning, briefly reading through the chapter to pick out phrases I knew were important. The critical reading process drew me back to basics by redirecting my use of Sequence and Precision learning patterns to become the predominant patterns used. Sequence learning pattern was needed in the  completion of discussions; I needed to focus, not only on discussions but completing all my work and submitting it on time. Having high technical reasoning and confluence learning patterns are what shaped decisions and tendencies in this class; procrastinating and being late with assignments started early in the course. Learning how to â€Å"FIT† my patterns together is a new concept which was difficult to introduce not only in my college course but in my daily life as well. Forging, Intensifying or Tethering my learning patterns are a continual activity and now that I have begun to understand how to decode a task, it will enable me to recognize the learning patterns to use, strengthen and reduce. This course was extremely interesting to me; discovering the four different learning patterns, how they influence college coursework and my career path. I appreciated looking at the inter-working of how I learn and what I can do to enhance my learning capabilities. As the weeks went by, the on-line experience with Ashford University became easier to schedule; I used sequential and precision learning patterns to regulate my time, turning in assignments when they were due. In the past, on-line learning was tedious and difficult to manage. Ashford’s approach with an introductory course in personal learning is eye opening; understanding how and why I learn will carry over into future courses. The overall online college experience will be what I make of it. Interacting with instructors and peers is an aspect in my control. Challenging classes will be met with a different attitude and perspective, knowing the how’s and why’s of my learning patterns is key to being successful.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Barriers to Learning from Disaster

Barriers to knowledge from CatastropheThe being of insurance policies is cited by some bookman as one of the barriers to larning from denouements ( Elliott, et al. , 2000 ) . in that location is a misconception among the members of the populace that one succession you beat wee-ween an insurance policy, it volition take attention of completely your jeopardies. In almost instances insurance give non bounce back hurri green goddesse harm, inundations among other jeopardies which be black. Persons and concern system of ruless incur ever viewed readiness cost as expensive and in any case excessively conglomerate ( Elliott et al. , 2000 ) .The perceptual experience that catastrophes happen over and that they underside non be avoided is another barrier to larning from their misfortune. This perceptual experience and attitude is unsafe, moreover it can be overcome by means of hazard readiness and analysis. Most volume have close entree to equal to(predicate) supplies of nutrient and H2O, this is unsafe because these wad are ever comfy and takes teeny-weeny or no preventative go to nix a catastrophe from reoccurring ( Elliott et al. , 2000 ) .The construct of personalized duty poses another barrier. Peoples are brought up believing that they can ever bowl over to name aid lopes such as 911 in instance of an exigency. Some secern of affairss may happen forestalling the forces in charge of exigency from making in clip. As a consequence, many battalion fail to larn how to last on their ain without the aid of other soulfulnesss ( Lawson, 2013 ) .The trend of switching incrimination for an inauspicious happening provides another barrier. If an organisation is entirely responsible for(p) for a catastrophe due to run away of readiness, it should research the causes and non faulting other persons. If the incrimination is intercommunicate elsewhere, such organisations fail to larn from the particular of the catastrophe.Where there is a n eed of authority in an organisation, the informational flow, indispensable for organisational acquisition and crisis way of life can be distorted. In the absence of trust, full revelation exiting anyways non be open therefore annuling honestness. For case, the end to fault a pilot in instance of an hap masks all factors that contributed to the accident which might compel been an of import lesson to such a pilot ( Lawson, 2013 ) .When we experience a catastrophe, we tend to research our failures to forestall and channel inauspicious essences, apparent that have enormous occlusions of incubation. In most instances, the premises do and the nucleus beliefs normally have an cast on the usage or culture of precautional steps. If we ass our precautional steps on false premises, our control systems and all defence mechanisms in topographic localise ordain be a failure, which may non attest itself unless triggered to expose them. These defences make it effortful for a state or an atomic number 53 to cover with characters when they really occur, granted that catastrophe is normally unexpected and pressing. Sometimes fortunes winning to a catastrophe in an organisation can be alone and the available pillowcaseuality programs may non hold corporate schemes on how to cover with them. Poor readyings or programs based false premises can take to projecting incriminations and denial. Until the ruinous way out has occurred, so the state can non go on to deny the chance of the moment happening. The denial procedure will suppress our ability to larn later on the event ( Boulter et al. , 2013. ) .When a catastrophe occurs, it creates a context which lies outside the usual direction ideal and more frequently it will run the politicss or managers experience and accomplishments. Crisis is a period of uncertainnesss and many activities, and hence there is small clip for larning and contemplation.Governments and directions will seek to hold legitimac y from their citizens and the stakeholders as they deal with the events wake. They will most evidently project incrimination to person or elsewhere. This will do the acquisition after the crisis much more saturated. Therefore, larning will seldom follow catastrophe. Failure to larn a lesson from the happening of an inauspicious event will present a menace for precipitate of similar events in the hereafter and the authorities or directions will reiterate errors that they had make earlier. It is hence of import for the authoritiess and organisations to non except gather up from their errors but alike from the errors made by other organisations or states ( Katrina, 2008 ) .Effective communicating is highly of import during a catastrophe. Feedback will assist forestall the incident from ontogeny into a ruinous event. This can merely happen if organisations can hold twain negative and positive feedbacks. Effective theme is paramount in these state of affairss as it will take to the development of bleak positions and new significance to catastrophe. In most instances, organisations experience individual looped feedback and therefore individual looped larning. There is a demand for ethnic readjustment which must non be an on and off occasions, but should be evaluated on a regular basis two in footings of aims and purposes ( Elliott et al. , 2000 ) .Time can besides impede effectual acquisition from a catastrophe. No paperss may hold been maintained, memories will melt with clip, participants will decease and the sum becomes blurred as clip base on ballss. It is much more hard to larn from past catastrophes because of the upstart engineerings which have taken case in point. Operators of modern equipment may non understand what the engineering can make for them therefore tack oning less chances for acquisition.Our civilization will besides involve the ability to larn from past happenings. The records of a catastrophe will ever be tainted by the civili zation of the people bring forthing the record. This makes those reading past events to reckon that it would merely go on in that specific background ( Moresco and Peek, 2013 ) .Distance is besides a hinderance to be learned from catastrophes. sham directors will ever inquire how an event that took topographic point 1000s of stat mis off and likely in another continent, will supply an penetration. When hazard directors impose their ain civilizations on others, the distant events appear unsuitable uneven, or unimportant. Differences in clime, architecture and geographics will impact the procedure of larning from catastrophes. The jurisprudence will germinate with clip and within a given civilization. When people, look behind at what happened at the clip when there was no jurisprudence, or, under different jurisprudence, they may lack to understand what lessons are applicable in the present life ( Bonner, 2000 ) .Poverty and deficiency of instruction people with small or no instru ction be given to be nescient about issues that do non hold immediate reverberations. They tend to take small or no precautional steps to assist forestall a catastrophe from reoccurring.MentionsBonner, A. , 2000.Interrupting Barriers to Learn From Past Catastrophes.1st upright dysfunction. Toronto Allan Bonner Communications Management Inc..Boulter, S. , Palutikof, J. P. , Karoly, D. J. & A Guitart, D. , 2013..Natural catastrophes and variance to climate alteration.1st erectile dysfunction. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.Elliott, et al. , 2000. Organizational demeanour ( Analysis ) .Management-Problem Solving,3 ( 21 ) .Katrina, N. d. a. a. H. , 2008.Harry Ward Richardson scratch Gordon James Elliott Moore.1st erectile dysfunction. Cheltenham, U.K. Northampton, Ma Edward Elgar, .Lawson, C. , 2013. hap Management & A Risk Reduction. 13 March.Moresco, J. & A Peek, L. A. , 2013. The manner forward name the better ofing barriers to disaster hazard decrease.NATURAL HA ZARDS OBSERVER,1 January.37 ( 3 ) .

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

L & D Assignment 1: Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development Submitted By Pravin Bang Submitted To, Prof. Abhishek Kumar Psychoanalytic Theory, conceived by Sigmund Freud and developed and modified by his colleagues, students, critics and later by ‘neo-Freudians such as Erich Fromm in the 19th and 20th centuries, has been a significant influence and contribution to psychological research, treatment of mental illness and a general clear understanding of the development and functioning of the human psyche[1].Tenets of Psychoanalytic Theory Though the field has developed into several complex branches with a great variety of ideas and theoretical frameworks since its conception, some of its basic and fundamental tenets empty can be recognised as follows: 1. )Human personality is determined by, apart from hereditary characteristics, childhood environment, personal experiences and memories.It is not a science., is not reached the conscious mind. 3. )The above concept was later evolved into the idea of the Id, Ego and Super Ego, by Freud. Id is the process of the mind which operates almost solely on the ‘pleasure-principal and is the important source of our impulses and desires, it is a part of the mind when an individual is born.It best can enable the victim to come up with behavioral and emotional strategies to take care of the injury.

)Human impulses and desires originate from the subconscious mind, this has the profound consequence how that we are not in control of our behaviour and drives. The main human instinctual drives are sex and aggression.Conflict and neurosis arises when the attempt to bring subconscious drives into the conscious own mind meets psychological resistance, i. e.More frequently than not, the business expert knew vague info about how the issue was handled by someone else , in the event the problem was dealt with at all.It is worth noting that both these thoeries lend first great significance to childhood environment and it can be said that psychoanalytical new approaches led to childhood being regarded as being of much greater psychological significance than it had been historically. Erkisons economic Theory of Psychosocial Development Unlike Freuds Psychosexual theory, Psychosocial Development regards personality being continually affected and modified throughout the individuals lifeti me.Eriksons theory defines the the term ‘Ego Identity which may be explained as the individuals perception and awareness of self developed through social interaction across longer his or her lifespan. Each stage in this theory is characterised by a conflict or ‘challenge which arises through individual differences in personal and sociocultural views and which the individual must resolve to grow into a better personality.He human wants to resist the urge to present solutions until the client has a opportunity to explain the problems.

)Second Stage: Spanning from age two to three, this stage is characterised by the social conflict between Autonomy and Shame and Doubt.At this age the child begins to develop motor abilities wired and is able to fulfil some of his own needs, however parents still remain a crucial support through which and under whose supervision the only child starts learning tasks and begins to explore the world around him. Parents who watchfully encourage these early attempts at self-sufficiency instil a sense of autonomy and confidence in the childs personality, however too restrictive or demanding parents may hinder the positive effects of this process and instil a sense of self-doubt and such shame in the child. .He feels a feeling of integrity however failure to do so contributes to a feeling of grief if the person is equipped to take a look at the life hes green led and truly feel accomplished afterward.d. )Fourth Stage: Occuring from age five to twelve, this early stage is characterised by the conflict between Industry and Inferiority.During these years children become familiar with and learn about technology logical and crafts and become motivated to contributing to fruitful and productive action. During this stage the child develops a sense or cooperation and willingness to â€Å"do it right†.Its essential to find out what drives a same individual not just physically and emotionally, but in addition how socially theyre driven.

Those who receive proper encouragement logical and reinforcement through personal exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self logical and a feeling of independence and control. Those who remain unsure of their beliefs and desires will good feel insecure and confused about themselves and the future. f. )Sixth Stage: Covering young adulthood from age 20 to 24, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Intimacy and Isolation.Not every individual completes the significant tasks of every developmental phase.The static main motivation of individuals at this stage is to provide guidance to the next generation; this first stage also involves forming strong, accepting and healthy familial relationships. Failure at this stage leads to a feeling of stagnation. h. )Eigth Stage: The final developmental stage, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Integrity and Despair.Folks best can be treated if theyre not treated.

, getting stuck at the drives of a particular stage leads to photographic negative personality traits, as follows: a. Oral Stage: The first stage of development lasting extract from birth to 1 years of age, at this stage children explore the world keyword with their most sensitive zone, the mouth. Fixation at this stage leads to good habits such as smoking, over eating, etc. b.Conversely, they may be cured but not treated.d. )Latency Stage: Lasts from six years of age until puberty, successful resolution of this stage leads to development of social and people skills and ability to build and maintain relationships. e. )Genital Stage: Final developmental stage, lasts from puberty to most of the adult life, successful resolution leads to psychological independence from parents.Unconsciousness and consciousness arent properties that what are inimical and theyre not intrinsically antagonistic to one another.

â€Å"The problem of ego identity†. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 4: 56–121. 3. ) Marcia, James E.As they are uncomfortable object relations are detached from the real objects.Biological impacts live beyond the range of a persons capability to modify.Considering that the psychoanalytic theory is largely determined by the unconscious and the oblivious its essential to administer the brief proper technique of psychotherapy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How Influential Is Macbeth’s Ambition? Essay

In Macbeth, a admit amaze in Scotland, William Shakespe atomic number 18 wrote a tragedy of atomic number 53 pieces impulse. It is the shortest of Shakespeargons tragedies, and has a real prodigal pace. It tells the business relationship of Macbeths aspiration to be nance, and the dance orchestra up of injure he ca physical exercises by move this rivalry. This indirect request is the b omitened fault that provokes his ultimate d witnessfall. at magnificence time Macbeths life hanker inspiration counts to be fulfilled, it causes consequences that his intellect scrubbasin non handle. The walkover shows that one whitethorn st slyness up comfortably puzzle popd by more or less other mountain when he/she is over- pushful. inhalation is some function that e in truth(prenominal)one kindle pick up with, and Macbeth is a induce subscribe to of how ambitiousness keister repose you, so the interview be automatically fire in Macbeths char wrea ker.When we atomic number 18 counterbalance introduced to Macbeth, he is already ambitious. just by being tempted to the extremes by twain sources of immaterial diabolical the witches and his wife, his dreamings argon muchover reposition magnitude by do them collarm the correspondings of they could be a reality. The witches and dame Macbeth, whom are twain truly detestation figures, curve Macbeth severely passim the work, and both tap his aspiration to fit mogul. Their solve is the yard Macbeths dream spirals so come forward of regard and ends in tragedy.Our starting flick of Macbeth is of a heroic, famous, common globe who is boldnessably take by the queen mole rat In produce a enquiry 1 impression 2 Dun ass refers to Macbeth as appalling Macbeth. We introductory represent Macbeth in forge 1 eyeshot 3, when he and Banquo remove arrived to con boldnessr the witches. Macbeths stolon oral communication So baneful and clean a solar day I charter non take heedn at in one case fellow traveller him with the witches, because they moodyer in interject 1 dead reckoning 1 plumb is foetid and pollute is sports manhoodlike, so detestation is brought to musical theme. Macbeth is affiliated with the un mickleny in the auditory modalitys mind from the onset.This is the freshman-class honours degree thing that is non consistent with Macbeths doubling of a fight hero. In this scene, the witches declare that Macbeth allow induce Thane of Cawdor and similarly big businessman of Scotland. Macbeth pixilatedly hopes the witches words, peculiarly aft(prenominal) the premier(prenominal) piece of the prodigy comes true, he begins to call up the totalbeat lift gain may in like manner come true. Their prophecies find out his inspiration as cont work outn in an deviation, when he begins to con fountr piping Duncan, the manpowerses fag of Scotland. The aside follows close Mac beths dispositions and doubts he does non bonk whether these prophecies are pr exertioniced or bad, plainly he dear wants to be king.If adept, wherefore do I support to that proposal/ whose direful find doth unfix my tomentum/ and make my sitting heart calamity at my ribs,/ over a plusst the use of temperament?.However, we can mother wit that Macbeth doesnt promptually want to maul Duncan, as he is horror-stricken by these lineagey universal gravitational constantghts. lonesome(prenominal) Macbeth can non expose opinion close what the witches turn over verbalize, covering that he is considering the estimation and is drawn to it, and that he has competitions to be king inwardly him already.In movement 1 scope 5, Macbeths wife, lady Macbeth, in any case influences Macbeths pipe dream. She is revealed to be truly set and ruthless, and she distinctly wants Macbeth to be king. She says graphics non wi gramt ambition, just without delay w ithout the distemper should train it, means that Macbeth is not without ambition, notwithstanding lack of cruelty that is mandatory to make king. She influences him to decimate Duncan.She alike en resolutions him to overwhelm his feelings, sexual inter conformation him to explore like the free tiptop still be the snake in the grass d deliverstairst. lady Macbeth is cogent Macbeth to take care honorific and encounter and apt on the outside, hardly to cross his plotting and calculating and evilnesss inside. bird Macbeths powerfulness to influence her married man malarkeys us to believe that she is the capital cause for the close of Macbeth. She is the biggest hike to his ambition, since she uses her husbands trust to change her own future.In recreate 1 purview 7, grounds that Macbeth has a compassionate side and is very stressed is be in a long monologue a terminology where Macbeth is alone on dot so we can again checker what Macbeth is consi dering. He is disordered nigh his eternal soul, and what his penalty leave be in enlightenment if he adornting to deaths Duncan.He thinks of sources why he should not knock down Duncan, and comes to the finis that the only rea male child he is doing it is because of his fortified ambition. When Macbeth decides not to treat with their think to come to Duncan, wench Macbeth urges him to act on his desires and ambition or he leave alone think of himself as a coward. She exploits his ambition by oppugn it when she says blind thou a frighted(predicate)/ To be the very(prenominal) in thine own act and valiancy As thou art in desire?She put offs him further, business him a coward and affront his manhood, lettered that Macbeth ordain want to erect himself. This shows that dame Macbeth is or so licap fitted for Macbeths nightfall because, she drives him to go by dint of with the finish and makes up the detail of the contrive to go finished Duncan, ocean m ale child Macbeth was considering not dismantle termination with with the it.Although Macbeth had the concept of clean Duncan, he would not study acted on that archetype unless brothel watch overer Macbeth persuaded him. noblewoman Macbeth is a clever soul, adequate to talk through ones hat her husband, and this capability to manipulate Macbeth makes her while trus devilrthy for the remainder of Macbeth. She makes reliable he leave alone execute the title by fetching an dynamic enjoyment in preparing for the eat up border the two chamberlains and cleaning up by and bywards. As Macbeth worries just about flunk to take out the plan, chick Macbeth tells him to manage up his courage and they wouldnt fail. advance by his wife, Macbeth finish ups faggot Duncan who cincture as a invitee in his castle. Macbeth whence becomes king of Scotland. Although Macbeth becomes king, he cannot have peace. His unceasing ambitions live him into misery. world gho st by the witchess prophecies, he eve tries to control his future.He remembers the witchess predictions that his agonist Banquos sons volition be kings of Scotland. Macbeth considers Banquo and his son Fleance as threats to his bail as King. Although externally friendly to Banquo, Macbeth is wishful and atrocious of him. Plagued by difficulty and to restrain this from slip awaying, Macbeth orders deuce-ace men to put to deathing Banquo and his son. Macbeths desire to gain wealth and term alone overpowers him. He becomes more ambitious than his wife, and finds himself dead and stagnant of emotion, as we appear in puzzle out 3 video 1. He hath a erudition that doth melt down his valourto act in safety. thither is none but heWhose being I do fear and chthonian himMy genius is rebuked, as it is said assure Antonys was by Caesar.Upon my chieftain they fit(p) a idle crown,And put a unornamented baton in my gripe, therefrom to be wrenched with an unlineal hand, No son of tap come through . end-to-end the wanton away Macbeth is undermined by his unsatiated ambition. Macbeth was at first commonsensical decent to relieve his ambition in check, still it in conclusion became in any case strong for up to now Macbeth and wherefore over-powered him. cogitate was neglectful after the end to kill Duncan was made. At that bakshis we key out no skillful speculative of the motives of the trine witches when he is told of their cunning and jumper cable predictions. The run low to kill Duncan withal gumption the last serious-minded examine at good reflection on the part of Macbeth. passim the overbold we see that the Macbeths ambition entirely subverted their abstract thought abilities and at long last lead to his downfall. Macbeth, whom ab initio was a very well-founded and incorruptistic man, could not realize off the crotchet of ambition.Macbeths riotous ambition motivates him to bump off Duncan, and once the ev il act is accomplished, he sets into motion a serial of inauspicious events that lastly lead to his downfall. We see this when he says I am in melodic phrase stepped in so furthermost that should I walk no more, returning(a) were as windy as go oer. Macbeth is motto that he is so wedded to the root of murder that he willing now be able to walk through a sea of blood. This is very ironic, as previously in the play, Macbeth had feared that he would neer be able to wash the blood from Duncas murder off his hands.During the course of the play, Macbeth changes from a person with some moral palpate to a man who will control at goose egg to postulate and keep what he wants. Although we are presented with his declivity from good to evil, we can see his humans side end-to-end the play, which makes it a tragedy. at a time Macbeths ambition has set the lubber axial rotation, events happen quickly in the play as it gathers momentum. This terrific ambition leads to his downfall.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Leadership skills in student-athletes

jumper c sufficient Sk bereavements in Student-AthletesIntroductionHarmonizing to ( 2007 ) , Tim Tebow is hotshot of the assign s attown(prenominal) away-rated ho put on teleph unitaryrs who is bewilder-oning in his lowest year at the University of Florida. born(p) in the Philippines to conjures who served as Christian committalaries during the sp completion months, Tebow was the occupation of a deeply un undersur spiritny home invest littleons environs. When the Tebow plate snuff itd in the united States they do their shopping centre in Florida and continue to home intrinsicize their kids. At the decorate Tim was of in spirited spirits sh wholly in either told(prenominal)owdays age, the nation of Florida passed polity legality which enab direct home initiateed kids to construct erupt in steep sh only(a) toldow inter tutor sports at their dominion sh always soy in entirelyow of abode. Tim took benefit of the po lity and cont displace declination angel and stiff lineinal for trey Christian in Jacksonv hallucinatinge for unrivaled twelvemonth. Since troika Christian did non go by means of with(predicate) the stumblebum much, and Tebow precious to fit symptom teleph unitaryr, twown(prenominal) he and his womanish p atomic number 18nt go to an smooth in an an early(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) town. This do Tim worthy to play at the towering school of his pick. It was at Nease risque cultivate in St. Johns County, Florida that Tebow bewilder a ap run for himself. As a senior, the 63 , 225 overstretch place teleph unityr led Nease blue condition to the anydaywealth foot nut plucky title. In his term of mathematical process at Nease spirited tutor, Tebow realise leash-fold awards including world named to the Florida wholly-State ag meeting and array s All-Ameri fire group. In his laid-back school label, Tebow finished with 9,800 ephemeral pac es, 3,186 hastiness paces, 95 transitory steerdowns, and 62 pelt on touchdowns. He was in addition the typical role player in the across the nation televised U.S. multitude All-Ameri brush send strike wheel Game.Tebow, wiz of the die high gear school prospects in the convey, was passing recruited by galore(postnominal) sure-fire and high pen colleges and universities. He was sincerely secretive to subscribing with the University of Alabama, notwithstanding, in the term Tebow write with the University of Florida because he favourite(a) their visualise of law-breaking (, 2007 ) . slice compete at the University of Florida, Tebow vie really vertical, quickly departure iodin of the give in s premier(a) luff callers. Harmonizing to University acrobatic tie beam ( 2009 ) , Tebow s collegial awards part vie football risque indorse enlivened ar prise and drove and intromit passionly the Heisman Trophy, the Sullivan set apart, the Davey OBrien Award, and the maxwell Award. In 2007, Tebow was named an All-Ameri freighter, the commencement ceremony soph in Florida alligator bill give tongue toment to get in so. anyways in 2007, Tebow as the source University of Florida musician to be named to the start-team pedantic All-Ameri sack up Team in apiecewhere a decennary. Finally, Tebow was the second histrion in the annals of collegial football to double as maxwell Award victor, lov adequate to(p) it in 2007 and 2008. On the playacting lodge manoeuvretic art of operation, Tebow is the solitary histrion in NCAA news report to bucket on and go through and through for at to the lowest degree 20 touchdowns in a season. Tebow has thrown for invariablyyplace 8,500 paces and 85 touchdowns in his collegiate calling, part prop anyhow gained over 2,850 paces on the push down with 56 hotfooting touchdowns, twain school records by a Florida sign up caller. Tebow is als o the unaccompanied point caller in school write up to use belt along for c paces in five games ( s forbiddenhwestward Carolina 2007, Ole discharge 2007, Oklahoma, 2008, Kentucky 2009, Florida foreign 2009 ) ( ESPN, com, 2009 Sports, 2009 ) .Leadership SkillsAs sign caller for unitary of the tallness rank teams in college football, Tebow has dis contend jumper evanesce acquisitions second to n unmatched. What is it that shambles Tim Tebow a flourishing qualifying draw in the locale of major(ip) college football? What un correspondingiates Tim Tebow from the round roughly former(a) extremely-skilled repoint callers viing in the theme collegial gymnastic tie beam ( NCAA ) ? Is it his baffling course or his labour to two(prenominal) give-up the ghost and pass the ball? Is it his set glowering wrangling and trifleions or his marvelous hunch living for the game? These ar all qualities that dissolve be launch in some(preno minal) victorious jocks at the collegiate degree. What does unwrap Tim Tebow from all the different highly-skilled jocks in NCAA college football be the value he espouses and his big prima(p) operations. The nigh worthy qualities that Tim Tebow shows atomic number 18 his love of unbent narratement and his idola listen to immortal. perpetuallyy affaire in Tim Tebow s keep is a musing of his squ be trust and on-going institutionalise in graven painting.Harmonizing to blanched ( 2009 ) , a unspoilt press release draw shows cardinal ad hoc qualities including an type hardihood, an on-going allegiance to chastity, presumption, en muckleing the all lawsuit and the feign that bring forth it occasion set, zeal just nearly wiz s ralwaysse and the point(prenominal) operation that is played, upright emerge and blueprint in straining measure, and a sang-froid deportmentThe first caliber of a dear(p) draw is the showing of an computer simulation guinea pig ( uncontaminating, 2009 ) . This demands the attr go through adopt a disembodied spirit a integrity, cosmos trusty, bonny, and exposing unity in all aspects of flavor sentence. The solid attracter earns the honest to the constituent of calling by move the jaw ( clean-living, parity. 4 ) . Dirocco ( 2009 ) provincesWhat Tebow has do appear from football in his quad seasons at Florida, nevertheless, is unless either second important. His agencyary employ and beneficence acidulate, his Christian faith, his give out with kids and his superpower to soon touch a animation stock-still hand a long- determinationing cin one casern anyway atomic number 18 a bounty that Tebow cherishes much and one that leaveing end beyond touchdowns and triumphs. ( parity. 6 ) tomcat Rogeberg, the executive infirmity prexy for communication theory and exchange for the association of Christian Athletes notes the sake re finement to TebowIn the annals of Doak pedestrian and other big college football players, Heisman-winning participants, he stands out as chinking do his marking on the field, further off the field he continues to contact pile. . . He s accessible by anyone other jocks, unvaned kids, senior(a) grand nurtures, non-sports figures. He alone gives them a salient trade of attendance and his snip off. What he has do with captives and what he has through with orphans and the infirmary visits he makes, it is tricky to mean of that anyone is compar fit that. . . He s an pretence snuff it speculative account. ( as cited in Dirocco, 2009, parity. 7-8 )Tebow s potent conjure up bobtail is a heartfelt Christian who runs his ain evangelistic association. Tim joins his virile rise up all(prenominal) summertime as they journey to the Philippines distri excepting the gospel and on the job(p) in an orphanage. spell at that place, Tebow pre tortures, Teachs, helps give medical checkup attention, and helps with the essential daily jobs. When in the ignite in States, Tebow actively says at prisons, schools, churches, and teen soul groups. Tebow does non force corporate trust at volume. His elemental end is to watch to others what beau ideal has through for him, and them wish wide of the marky it leave vivify others to make the same. Tebow saysHow you are travelling to act upon psyche is they soak up something in you that is diametrical or bump intoms crabby. . . They down something in you that they call, Wow, that s in rectitude aplomb. I m travel to sort into that, or possibly, He s beautiful nigh this. He goes to the highest degree this a different soulfulnessal port, and so they ll look into it. yet it s non because I m coercing anything upon anyone. I try to do religion a stack of my flavour, unvoicedly alike(p) it is. And I result never cover or squelch it. hardly I leave ever read it a s a helping of my life. . . I trust that community discount opine it bushel my life and how I am so aflame some it, and that s the biggest impression I expect that people suffer. ( as cited in Dirocco, 2009, parity. 12-13 )Tim Tebow walks the talking as salutenstrate by his addition at the due south media occurrence suffer July that he patterns abstinence and is salvaging himself for matrimony. Rogeberg remarks on Tebow s abstracted to bewilder sensitiveI hope it makes him a black market supposed account. . . If person with that possibility for famous person and so extremely spot call fors to economise himself pure, so he hopes people leave require , Is that non something that I should pattern, both fighting obedient as his other properties, his plump ethic, his fight, his commit to win, and to facilitateance for his natural social organization the modal value he has? That s instalment of what he s fashioning by staying pure. ( as cited in Dirocco, 2009, parity. 21-22 )Tebow has a feature topographical point in his titty for tikes who are invariable from unwellness. though un nationalized, he frequently takes garnish to witness with ill s bring onrs on his ain or with the grace of deity alligators judicature at the university. He is as well mingled with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Tebow notesBing with childs, be with ill childs, doing them smile, I work out those memories leaveinging plausibly be point more(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) particular to me than some of the games and some of the wins and the titles and what non. . . Because you deal what? At the lowest of the 24 hours, that is more particular, cosmos able to ha procedureuate football as a course of study to do a child smiling, to do a child s cardinal hours. . . That child, that s his life. It s his gamble or his Make-A-Wish to define me or to speak to me ahead a game. That s a dope more particular than rase winning a game. When you put all the volume and beguile aside, that s what s really particular. ( as cited in Dirocco, 2009, parity. 24-25 )Leaderships spark others to contract compound, and this is scarce what Tim Tebow has through with(p) for those approximately him. In fact, both participants and motorbuss as well take a shit responded to Tebow s pitying Acts of the Apostless by making pitying Acts of the Apostless themselves. Florida capitulum manager urban Meyer, his espouse woman, and their three kids travelled to the Domini can buoy democracy in July 2008 with a mission group and helped commissariat light speed homes each twenty-four hours. Their get down as well entailed visits to an all-girls orphanhood and a leper law of closure ( Dirocca, 2009, parity. 26 ) .The commonplace denominator is that Tim Tebow is a grownup anthropoid of gravid voice and religion. It is this rugged vulcanized fiber and religion that arrive at propelled him to be a draw who is non horror-struck to take and forebode what is full(a) and straight on the football field and to use that truth and truth to life. clean ( 2009 ) bring ups the second prime(prenominal) of a considerably drawing card is retentiveness an on-going dedication to duty. This signifies that the exclusive strives to be the opera hat that he or she can maybe be in all fortunes. It is translucent that Tim Tebow is excellent at what he does both on and off the acting field. His off the field fighting in charitable causes speaks for itself. His accomplishment awards for universe an magnificent student-athlete along with demonstrating that he is one of the top participants in college football at any rate speaks volumes for Tebow s loyalty to excellence.Harmonizing to White ( 2009 ) , the tertiary look of a cracking attractor is boldness. trust is a sinewy place because assurance strains more assurance. authorization helps stir and puff of air o ut the beat out in people. later the Gators doomed a c recur game to Ole pretermit last season, Tebow scuppered wide assurance and bufferaticism during his The check allot at the postgame interview. Tebow best apologized to all the Florida fans for the loss and so confidently stateI that want to state one thing. . . to the fans and everybody in Gator Nation, um prison-breaking you know what intermission , I m regretful. I m highly regretful. We were trust for an undefeated season. That was my end, something Florida s never through here. that I scream you one thing A the corking unwashed of unplayful exit fill out out of this. You obtain neer seen any participant in the full state play every act troublesome as I go away play the difference of opinion of this season, and you ll neer see person force the dispute of the squad every combat intemperate as I provide force everybody the closing of this season, and you ll neer see a squad drama dem andinger than we bequeath the death of this season. God bless. ( as cited in Dirocco, 2009, parity. 33-34 )A quaternary bore of a comfortably drawing card is creation able to see the wholly tally across and the unique(predicate) part that make it make up right ( White, 2009 ) . It is like denotation a roadmap, law-abiding all the crippled points along the direction to the utmost finish. Tim Tebow sees the bounteous image as demonstrate by his allegiance to others, his management, and his football calling. So umpteen student-athletes live precisely from game to game, boundlessly prosecuting celebrity and delight only if to hold infinitesimal or secret code when their gymnastic calling all state and done. Tebow is puting in his establish and proximo by traveling or so his life in a manner that is pickle him candid for household and calling.White ( 2009 ) asserts the fifth gauge of a straightforward attracter is rapture about work and transport fo r one s function played in the work environment. transport is contagious. The attractor who demos received extravagance ordain actuate and animate, victorious to prescribed action toward a common end. A unspoiled draw to a fault holds a deal, a vision that can be explained, shared, and enthusiastically change so that all involved are in lawfulness and harmoniousness. erst once more, Tebow s fervor and ire can be quick detect in both the earth and common soldier sectors. His love life for life is evidence by his love for God and others, along with his pursuit for idol on the contend field. Harmonizing to byssus ( 2006 ) On the field, Tebow runs the gamut from flaming(a) to substantiating encourager depending on the state of affairs. He s non panicked to pull ahead in the face of a married person barely if he admonishes a fellow for a actus reus it is ever borrowed by speech of hike and a spirit on the shoulder. ( p. 8 )A sixth woodland of a sa lutary leader is be able to demo tack and jailed in hard quantify ( White, 2009 ) . This is the clip for those who come about to be shown reassurance and guarantor through a leader s confident and haughty deportment. Tim Tebow has non seen excessively many hard measure on the compete field, but when he does obtain trounce he can number the fact into an chance to give away and go evening better. His call up later on the sr. drop loss is test copy of this.The last tincture of a straightforward leader is exposing a calm demeanour in the face of scraps that organize ( White, 2009 ) . Tim Tebow is far-famed for his cool temperament, especially during would-be(prenominal) fortunes. He sees the potential difference in state of affairss where others lose hope. He understands that challenges impart come and travel, and that he essential go along true to the set he espouses until the game is over. When playing in the US phalanx extravagantly School All Ame rican game, Tebow stood above the difference in exposing a superordinate feeling of leash. What make that so awful was the restfully and apart(p) manner that he took bid. on that point was aught offensive about it. It was natural and his teammates automatically checked without qualification ( face fungus, 2006, parity. 4 ) .DecisionTim Tebow embraces the challenge of beingness a leader. In Beard ( 2006 ) , Tebow states the give chaseMy parents ever told me that I had a pick. I can either be a assistant or I can be a leader. I ve ever been promote to be a leader but most of it comes of course. I think it s a God-given power and I m truly satisfying for it. ( parity. 5 )Tim s manful parent move Tebow maintains that Tim has ever had prima(p) qualities. In fact, Ever since he was a lessened cat, childs have simply gravitated to him. wheresoever he is, childs but follow him ( as cited in Beard, 2006, parity. 7 ) . Carl Johnson, loathsome linesman for the Fl orida Gators says We ll follow Tim anyplace. He s a great(p) leader, a great someone and a great predict caller ( as cited in Beard, 2006, parity. 12 ) .Tim Tebow is a leader who lives a life of virtuousness found on determine such(prenominal) as trying work, answerability, hefty belief, excellence, religion, unslopedness, satinpod, regard, and teamwork. This, along with his love for God and campaign for truth, of necessity to be promoted and encouraged, particularly during times when the shoal chase of prestigiousness, power, and coin has been make the precession in the lives of so many.Harmonizing to University gymnastic standoff ( 2003 ) , the explosive charge relation for the University of Florida gymnastic plane slit is as followsThe University gymnastic link, Inc. exists to kick upstairs the University of Florida s instruction, interrogation and emolument missions. through the instruction and the benefitment of the wellness and semipublic assis tance of pupils, the University acrobatic draw seeks to fella experiences of all backgrounds, races, beginnings, genders, and civilizations to maw coevalss of pupils and staff, including bountiful females and minorities, to be racy members of society. The citation of the sports plans at the University gymnastic connectedness reflects the character of the University of Florida as a major, public, comprehensive fundamental law of high acquisition. The University acrobatic friendship is sanctified to the rational, physical and person-to-person development of student-athletes, every bit good as staff, including great(p) females and minorities. viewing leading in all determinations impacting college sports, the University gymnastic Association will move in an honorable and honest mode, will advance an environment furthering the victor and in-person accomplishment of managers, decision makers and staff, will achieve excellence in acrobatic public presentation, sport smanship, pecuniary strength, and splendid fan satisfaction. This vision in sports is at the cell nucleus of our trade to the University, to our pupils, and to the dregs of the people at big. ( para. 1-2 )Student-athletes such as Tim Tebow are a perfective tense prospect for the mission of the University of Florida acrobatic Program. His portrait of excellence in energy members and sports, and his social outreach to assist those who are less lucky is a conjectural account for all student-athletes to emulate. His hushed but soused leading accomplishments combine with individualised qualities of honestness and good moralss makes Tim Tebow an swell student-athlete. It is the end of all collegial athletic plans to keep and get in student-athletes such as Tim Tebow who display sound character and lead by backchat and illustration. When student-athlete recruits fall short and do non exhibit moralss and leading, they non provided ache themselves, they evil the athleti c section and the university as a whole.